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Latest Laser Technology

Rejuvenates Skin

Suitable For All Skin Tones

Bespoke Treatments

Carbon Laser Facial Treatment

There are many benefits to carbon facials and we are proud to offer it in our Milton Keynes clinic. Many well known celebrities prefer this treatment, which is why it’s given the nickname “Hollywood facial”.

If you want new, fresh looking skin, then a carbon facial would be perfect. There are many benefits to the treatment, which result in your skin being softer and cleaner. You can book in for a free consultation and speak to our team of experts on whether this treatment is right for you.

Pay as you go discounted packages available for this treatment


Carbon Laser Facial
30 mins – £85

Benefits of Carbon Laser Facials

Skin Texture

This treatment will massively improve your skin texture. It removes both active acne and acne scarring. There are more benefits to this treatment in order for it to fight against your skin acne. The treatment can target acne bacteria, remove black heads and leave you with less oily skin. This will leave your skin looking and feeling smoother. As well as this, it also removes dead skin cells and skin peels, which will leave you with healthy skin.

Cleanses Pores

The cleansing of pores is a great benefit for clients. Often customers try a number of methods to clean out their pores all over their body, such as using a sauna and steam room. Both are great, however for longer lasting results, we recommend a carbon facial for better protection against clogged pores.


The fight against ageing has never been more popular. We have access to so many creams that allow our skin to look younger. Easily the most effective method would be our laser treatment. No matter what your skin type, the laser treatment works by removing dead skin cells and improving overall skin texture, to give you a younger look.

Removes Scarring

If you have any small facial scars, then this treatment can help. There are not many treatments out there that can have any sort of effect on facial scarring other than the carbon facial. Of course, this will vary depending on how significant the scarring is. But on most skin types, it can help skin care, to remove the appearance of some scars.

How Does Carbon Laser Facial Work?

The Carbon Laser peel is a laser technique which reduces appearance of pigmentation, fine lines, acne scarring, textural irregularities, reduces pore size and frees the skin

from acne by diminishing oil production. We combine this with a specialised carbon lotion to make the carbon laser facial.

There are a number of settings we use for different skin types including :

  • Acne (active and passive)
  • Rejuvenation
  • Anti ageing
  • Pigmentation

We can also target –

  • Birthmark removal
  • Thread vein removal
  • Blood spots
  • Sun spots
  • Age spots

Skin rejuvenation is the treatment for sun damaged skin. We use laser skin rejuvenation to boost the complexion of the skin to even out the tone and give a smooth skin texture. We tighten the pores and give a collagen boost which is amazing for anti-ageing!

Skin rejuvenation is a great way to reverse the signs of ageing! This facial is a favourite with the likes of Kim Kardashian, Jenifer Lopez and many more!

Infusion Wellbeing uses class leading IPL and ND:YAG laser technology when it comes to the carbon peel facials.

We are very happy to talk through any of the treatments we offer either on the phone or a free face to face consultation.

Why Choose Infusion Wellbeing

Infusion Wellbeing is one of the leading practitioners in laser treatment and the beauty industry. We have a team of highly skilled specialists that can perform a number of laser treatments. We take great care of our customers and our reviews speak for themselves. Customers are able to book consultations with our professionals prior to any treatment, to discuss any concerns they may have, for example, a skin condition or sensitive skin that may be worrying them.

Does Laser Carbon Peel Hurt?

A common misconception is that carbon peels may hurt, due to them involving lasers. This is completely false. There is no pain endured during this treatment.

Are Results Instant?

You can see results from this treatment almost immediately! A lot of our clients have praised how quick it has been for results to show. For example, the removal of fine lines and wrinkles, skin discolouration and improved skin tone.

What to Expect Afterwards

The healing process is immediate, there are no recovery periods. You should not experience any sort of side effects and your skin should be looking healthier for a substantial period of time.

You should expect the following results: Less oily skin, no skin peels, no signs of sun exposure, no clogged pores, removal of fine lines and wrinkles, no blackheads, and more.

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

Carbon peels will last typically around 30 minutes. In that time, the laser can really revitalise your skin tone and improve skin care.